Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Why does it bite?

Why does it bite?

21 12:00:43

HI it's me again...i duno if you remember me but my and my bro
hav 2 hamsters beauty and queen...just a few days ago beauty
almost bit queen so we had to seperate them before both
hasmters were technacally my brothers but now queen is mine
because we had to split them up. i've handled queen about 6
times now n she bit me twice. One of the times i had blood on
my hand beacuse my brothers gay hamster bit me HARD in the
skin you have between your thumb and index finger...i cleaned
the blood off and ut a bandage on...then i picked up queen. Out
of nowhere she bit me i'm guess because she smelled blood...i
hav no idea why she would do that also she bit me today again
out of nowhere brother said mayeb she doesnt like the
way i handle her but i need better advise than his...thanks agian
for you answers

Hello Savneet good to hear from you again,

       First, you need to remember to wash your hands before picking Queen up. This is because if they smell food or even blood on your hands they will bite (only because they mistake it for food). Also since you had to seperate Queen and Beauty, Queen needs some time to get used to her new surroundings, this could go for Beauty too. I suggest you leave Queen alone for a few days (make sure she has food and water of course, but don't try to pick her up) then for the next few days just stand (or sit) by her cage in the evening and talk to her. On the 7th day, put your hand in her cage (after you have washed them) and talk to her while you try to pick her up. Do not force her. You may have to do this a few times, it is up to Queen and when she feels safe again the biting should stop and Queen should be her old self again.

     If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing!