Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > is it ok?

is it ok?

21 11:30:26

ok my hamster is bout to have babies i think nd i jus wanna know if its ok to use cedar chips as the bedding thats all i can use right now i dont got enough money to buy another pack and what can i use to have them play with cuz my wheel broke

Yes the chips are ok, but put a little toilet paper or tissue in with the hamster. I think the hamster won't need any play toys for awhile because she is having babies. Try fixing your wheel wih glue or someing. A weel is not NESSARY so don't worry. It is only reccomended, so that is ok.
P.S. Most people don't have wheels anyways. If you need more money, try selling your babies?
Hope it works and hope you reply!