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Eye Problems

21 11:56:26

I don't really have a follow up question but I just wanted to Thank You for your time. But I wanted to ask you if it was okay for me to touch him or would I get an eye infection also? Also I think it is great what you are doing. Keep up the good work! After I take him to the vet I will tell you the results. Thank you again and Happy Holidays!!!
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Good Afternoon
 I have a golden hamster(Stitch) that is about 1 1/2 years old. This
morning when I woke up I went to  feed him and he got up as usual. So I
looked at him and recognized his left eye was shut and it would not
open. So I tried open it with my hands and it looked like there was a
crust in between the eye lids keeping it shut. So if you know what is wrong
with my snookers. Please Tell Me!!!  
         Thank You,
         Jessica Hairston
sounds like your hamster has an eye infection. a little trip to the vet for some medication for his eye will help him out. it really won't get better on his own, only worse. I would really take him to a vet asap.

You can touch him and pet him but make sure to speak to him since he can't see too well he may try to defend himself since he doesn't know what is coming at him. Also, the eye infection could be an underlying cause to a cold or respiratory infection. So don't be surprised when the doctor tell you that your hamster has a cold it happens a lot in the winter months.
Do you use vitamin drops in his water? I've found that vitamin drops really help sick hamsters. I use vitamin drops found at petsmart and my hamster seems to be doing fine this winter. Since it is the cold season, make sure to keep your hands washed when handling him before and after. If you keep your hands clean and washed you shouldn't get sick from your hamster but your hamster can get sick from you. During the winter months I keep my hamsters cage extra clean, and I advise some people to switch to carefresh or soft sorbent bedding since it does make a cozier and cleaner bedding.  
Thanks for the warm comments, may you and your cute hammie have a warm happy holidays.