Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > outside of the bed

outside of the bed

21 11:36:16

ive had my hamsters for almost a year and a half and its been really hot lately and my hamsters are sleeping outside of thier cage..could it be cause its too warm for them or??? and my one hamster had some hair thinning on his backside near the butt...??

Hi Bianca,

If it's very warm in your house, then yes, that's why your hamsters are sleeping in the open air.  Also, when it gets very warm, condensation builds up inside their beds, which is very uncomfortable, and even dangerous, for them.  Try to keep the temperature where your hamsters are below 85 degrees Farenheit.  (Above 85 degrees is a very dangerous temperature for hamsters.)

The heat is also likely to blame for your hamster's fur loss.  Most hamsters lose fur in the summer (like other animals).  It's part of their cooling mechanism.  Once the weather cools, your hamster's fur will grow back.

Have a great day!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
