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My female Teddy Bear hamster has edema

21 12:00:03

I have a 2 year old female that is being treated for a kidney and
spleen infection. She has had 4 ultrasounds and I have taken her to
4 different exotic vet. experts. She was put on Lasix but that didn't
help with her edema. She is filling up with fluids especially under
her chin. Have you ever heard of this? Any ideas of a natural
diuretic for a hamster? The vet also tried dandelion root.

I have known that things like this could happen to hamsters but i've never heard of it from a pet owner. you do have a old hamster and I honestly don't know what to tell you. You are doing the right thing but I don't know of anything that you could try. you're doing all the right things. I'm afraid that there is not much medical advances or procedures for hamsters. i'm sorry I can't give you any advice on this matter. It's one of those things where there isn't much that can be done except to make her comfortable and happy.