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Hamster sneezing/hiccup

21 11:06:34

Hi Sheila,

I bought a new syrian hamster 10 days ago. So far he is eating, drinking, and pooping normal. He has also been running on his wheels at night.
However, he has been making a sneezing/hiccup sound, and I am worried to death. He does not have wet-tail, as his droppings are fine and his bottom is not wet.
I don't think it's food allergy because I'm using the same food the petstore uses. The difference is I added a couple chew sticks/treats.
I thought it might be bedding. I use a paper one, and then bought a wood shaving one that also has paper in it because the petstore uses a wood one. (The one I got is safe, not those that would give him a problem breathing). But for now I got rid of the wood one because I feel it's so dusty.
He doesn't make the sound all the time (no sound when he's asleep), I figured if he's allergic to the bedding, he'd not be able to sleep well at all because his house is filled with it.
He hiccups when, for example, he'd be sitting there eating, and he'd "hiccup." Or he'd be in his house moving around, and I can hear him hiccupp/sneeze, too.
I'm scared it might be a cold, but he doesn't seem to have any other symptoms (runny nose/discharge). No labored breathing, either.
I'm planning to bring him to the vet in a day or two if he doesn't improve, but was wondering if you have any suggestion or might know what is causing him to hiccup/sneeze. I'm so worried.

Thank you so so much for helping. I really appreciate it.


Hi Patty

It is difficult to know what is wrong.  Hamsters can suffer from colds, but as you said, they tend to have other symptoms too, such as shivering, runny nose and eyes.  They can also suffer from allergies either in the form of skin irritation or breathing difficulties.  They have incredibly sensitive sense of smell and anything, including air freshners, perfume, pot pouri, highly scented plants can all have an effect.  In addition, bedding can be a real problem especially if it has had oils added to it, or if it comes from pine, cypress or cedar as these contain a volatile oil called thujone and this can cause breathing problems.

When allergies are involved it really is a case of doing detective work and eliminating any likely cause and then slowly reintroducing it to see what happens.  

In terms of hiccuping, I've had hamsters who have done this before and there was no logical reason other than the fact that they were quite vocal hamsters.  Some have also snored or squeaked when sleeping - and these were normal for those hamsters.

The key things are that your hamster isn't struggling to breath, doesn't have any other outward signs of illness - diarrhoea, wet rear, not wanting to eat, drinking excessively, sitting hunched and not wanting to play.  These are all serious problems and must always be checked out by a vet.

I would be tempted to check the area surrounding your hamster's cage to make sure that there is absolutely nothing that could be causing him a problem.  Food is unlikely to cause a problem - a good dry hamster mix is needed, and also a small amount of fresh vegetables should be given nightly - however, avoid lettuce as this can cause diarrhoea.

If your hamster doesn't improve in a few days or if other symptoms start to appear then definitely get him checked out by a vet, however, hopefully this is nothing to worry about and he will be fine.

I hope this helps you.
