Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Odur


21 11:06:02


We have a Syrian hamster she is about 2.5 years old since Sunday we have noticed a very strong odur from her urine. Since Monday we have cleaned her and her bedding twice day.  She is not eating much and has only started to drink a little from last night, she has lost a lot of weight and is really not her self.

Please Advise. Thanks


I'm sorry to hear about your hamster.  This is old for a Syrian hamster and unfortunately around this time they can start to develop problems or their body shuts down.  I would suspect that the odor could indicate an infection of some sort and therefore antibiotics might be the way forward.  In which case, she would need to see a vet.  Hamsters of this age are very prone to getting tumors, and it could be that she has an abdominal tumor that is causing pus or an internal infection which is coming out in the urine.  

Firstly, I would suggest having a look at her teeth - make sure they aren't overgrown and that there is no reason why she can't eat.  If they are overgrown/uneven (sometimes they can break or lose teeth), then they would need trimming but you must be careful not to cut them too short or catch her cheek in the clippers.  

Secondly it would be worth having a look at her abdomen - seeing what shape it is #with abdominal tumors they often lose weight on their top half and go pear shaped on their bottom half#.  As the tumor grows it can put pressure on internal organs, cause infections and can rupture which causes pus or blood to come out of the rear.  Have a look to make sure there is no blood or pus visible.

If she isn't really eating or drinking then she is probably dehydrating.  You could try tempting her to drink by putting a little blackcurrant juice into her water and giving her some of this through a dropper.  You could also buy a packet of oral rehydration powders (the type you take if you have been sick or have diarrhea which replace body fluids).  Mix a sachet up with water as per the instructions then give this through a dropper.  Also, she might like some baby food - I tend to give my elderly/sick hamsters the packet baby porridge oats and mix a little with water.  It is easy for them to eat, contains a lot of nutrients and will also give some moisture.

I would be tempted to get her to a vet - do you have one that you know?  If not, it would be worth phoning one or two in the area and checking that firstly they have someone who specializes in small animals, and secondly they offer a reduced price for a hamster (most do, but it is always worth checking this before you go so that you don't end up with a nasty surprise).  This way they can examine her, see what her quality of life is and if this is a treatable infection they may prescribe antibiotics and perhaps pain killers.  If however they find that she does have a tumor and that her quality of life is poor as a result, sadly, they may advise euthanasia.  The important thing is that she doesn't suffer and from what you've said in that she isn't herself, life perhaps isn't that great for her right now.  If you do nothing I think that she will probably deteriorate.  Whilst it is impossible for me to know what is wrong as I haven't seen her, from past experience of having hamsters of this age, and displaying similar signs, if she is behaving like this then I would think that she is in pain and therefore a vet is her best option.

I hope you get on OK and that this helps you.
