Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > when can i hold my hamser babies

when can i hold my hamser babies

21 13:29:53

I had my hamster babies about a week now by the mammy (robin) and the daddy (popcorn) well i need to know when i can hold hamster babies.......BYE........

Dear Paul,
thank you for your question.
You can hold the babies when they come outside on their own. That will happen in about one week, when they are 14 days old.
I recommend seperating the parents. The mother will probably be pregnant again already and if you keep them together, she will give birth every two months or so and she will eventually die from exhaustion.
If you really want to breed your hamsters, I suggest you join a hamster club or at least find a good breeder in your area to learn about genetics ect. There should be at least four months between pregnancies.
I hope I was of some help to you