Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Strange dark patched and spots on Syrian hamster

Strange dark patched and spots on Syrian hamster

21 11:49:23

I have had my male (longhaired, black) Syrian hamster for about a year and a half now (bought him at 7 weeks) so he's not that old. I understand that it is normal for them to get glands in the form of dark patched on their hips, but my hamster has dark patches, and small black spots, covering his body, mainly behind his neck and his rear. His behaviour has not been affected at all, and he is drinking and eating normally. I suspected mites or ticks, so I bought a Spot On thing, which made no difference whatsoever.
I would show you a photo, but, although he is very friendly and loves being handled, he is very active and never stays still. So sorry.
Do you have any idea what it could be and how to treat it?

Thank you,

Hi Kathryn,

    Hamsters can get skin spots, just like humans. As long as these spots are not showing signs of infection (redness, swelling and/or drainage), there is nothing to worry about. Sometimes the hair around these spots will come out, but it should eventually grow back.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing!