Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > maryjane


21 11:50:15

QUESTION: My hamster is a male it has something that looks like a swollen penis
when we touch it he does not act as if it hurts he does move around alot
but that probally is becuase we are constatly touching it to see if its
okie, around the top area where it looks like it is coming out of the
whole looks a little purple and swollen other then that it looks like a
normal penis should but towards the tip there looks like there is a
white/yellow substance he has been eatting and drinking fine and i have
not notice and behavor changes. but i notice that when i went to cheak on him again the penis thing was back inside and that it looked as if he was badly constapated

ANSWER: Hi Chelsea,

    How old is your hamster? Is there a lot of droppings in his cage or less than usual?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well he is about 6 mounths maybe a little older and i seem to find almost the same amount as usuall

Hi Chelsea,

    This will happen to male hamsters sometimes. As long as he is eating and drinking well and there is no pus or blood coming from that area, there is nothing to worry about.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thanks again for writing!