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Syrian, shes pregnant and...

21 13:32:37

Syrian, she's pregnant and i need to know what i can do to make her comfortable and get to know me because like everytime i pick her up she pees on me! gross! HELP!

  All you really need to do for a pregnant hamster is make sure she has the right bedding(it should be tissue paper type and not fluff) and make sure she has the right food.she needs plenty of protein(found in nuts and boiled eggs) plus her normal food too.
  you need to clean her out 3 days before shes  due to give birth, and then not touch her til about 5 days after, when you can start handling her again.(but not the babies).
 if she doesn't know you too well, its best you leave her alone for the days before she gives birth (incase she gets scared and absorbs the babies) and after too (in case she eats them)she'll do fine on her own as long as shes got all she needs.
 Really you need to concentrate on her having healthy babies more than getting her tame right now, but i suggest that after the babies are 5 days old you can open the cage door and see if she will come out. then you can handle her, handling her will be better for when you can start handling the babies (at about 2 and a half weeks).
  If shes peeing on you it probably just means shes scared, and make sure she goes to pee before you pick her up. take things slow and quiet with her, and i'm sure you'll get there in the end!
  i hope this helps, any other questions, ask away! :-)
 my website will also help
 love suzi x