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Gerbil Problem

21 11:10:40


My Gerbil
I have a gerbil that is a tannish color all around and she
keeps squeaking and reaching her head to her tummy. I tried
changing the bedding, but the next day she started squeaking
again. To me it seems like she is being bitten by something
tiny. Do you know why she is doing this?  

Dear Ethan,
thynk you for your question.
If she has mites, then changing the bedding won't really help unless she's also treated against them. See a vet to find out if she has parasites and what kind and to get proper treatment. If it's something else, the vet will be able to find out what's wrong, from what you describe, I think that it's possible that her scent gland is infected, but I'm just guessing of course.
Here's a website that has recommended vets for gerbils:
I hope I was of some help to you