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sand for syrian?

21 13:29:03

should I get a sand toillet for my syrian hamster with long hair? are syrian hamsters sand-bathing rodents?

Hi Mara,
I don't see why getting a loo for your hamster should be a problem even if he is a long-haired syrian.all hamsters are clean little creatures and having a loo for your hamster is more hygenic as you can change it as often as needed. it is relatively easy to train a hamster to use a 'loo' you just need to add some of its pee and droppings to the litter in the loo, and place it in the same place that your hamster uses as a toilet be honest sand can be a bit messy as it tends to get wet quite quickly and would need changing frequently otherwise it sticks to your hamsters fur. you can buy commercial hamster litter granuals which are safe for your hamster. it acts like cat litter which soaks up the wetness and then dries. this is what i have used in the past and have found it to be very convenient and effective. i have also tried cat litter but it has sharp edges which may harm your furry friend so i suggest getting the proper stuff. you can buy it from any pet shop.
if your hamster is young you will find it takes very little time to train it to use a loo, however if your hamster is older then it may take several attempts as you are changing its normal habits.however percevere as my hamster got potty trained when he was nearly 2 and its just so much more convenient.
hamsters are naturally sand-bathing, and having a burrowing area in their home is a good idea as they instinctively like to dig and can be great fun for them and you watching their little antics. depending on what kind of home your hamster lives in, ie with rotastack you can buy a burrowing basement and fill it with woodchippings or in a normal cage you can create an area in a shallow teracotta dish with sand or hamster litter granuals (this is what i did and my hamster loved rolling and digging in it!) hope this helps mara, good luck with the potty training...