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Why is my hamster losing hair?

21 11:59:47

I have had my hamster for roughly 3 months. Lately, I've begun to notice he has some bald patches on his back. I have no idea why. I've heard that it could be mites, but I have not seen him itching or showing any signs of discomfort. He simply is missing hair on his back. Is this normal or should I be worried? Thanks for all your help.

hi erin

this could be many different things. hamster do moult but not often, dwarfs more tham syrians. if i were you id leave him to it and make sure hes healing, or if he started to scratch, show signs on illness such as lethargy, weight loss, not eating, id see a vet.

good luck with this and thank you for your question. ask again if you need to. let me know how you get on.