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My Gerbil is SICK! : (

21 11:59:48

I have two gerbils, both of which are young in age and get along very well.  The smaller one, Bean, seems to wobble when he walks and usually just sits in a corner (his eyes are little slits) and breathes heavily...  I've done some research and I think that it MAY be cold, but he doesn't look that good at all... actually, he looks REALLY bad... and it's kind of freaking me out.
PS: I already seperated the two gerbils- and I hope that the other one, Bob, isn't infected already.. What if he is but I can't tell yet- what should I do?

Hello Rylee,

It is very difficult for me to say what could be wrong as he really needs a proper examination vet!

The sooner you take him the more likely he is to make a full recovery, as the longer you leave it the harder it may become to treat!

Secondly, if you have taken your other gerbil out, becareful. If they are seperated for too long they may actually start fighting when you put them back together. I suggest you take them both to the vets and get them both seen to as soon as you can!

I hope this helps you, and i hope he gets better!
Thank you,