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Hamster sleeping in urine

21 11:57:17

Hi Karen, thanks for the prompt reply!
after I cleaned and disinfected his cage i noticed that while he was running in his wheel he kept jumping sort of like he had the hiccups or chill went through him....  please advise... Also I wanted to know if it was really necessary to give him a bath because he is very quick and im sure he will be slippery when wet and i don't want to drop him....again.....
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for the past week my hamester has been sleeping in the part of the cage where he uses the bathroom which is at the top of his little crawl tower.  there is a lot of condensation in there. and his fur is wet all over so i cant tell if he has wet tail disease or if he is even sick.  when we came home today I thought he was dead but after banging on the cage he lifter his head.  he ahs been moving around some but he has not been on his wheel yet.  Ive heard that some hamsters hibernate when there is a sudden drop in temperature and we've gone from an average of 80 degrees down to 60 within the last few weeks.  is this possible?
Hi Tiffany,

    Sometimes hamsters will do this. I would suggest you wash out the cage with diluted bleach (2 tablespoons bleach to a cup and a half of hot water). Doing that will kill any bacteria. Also wash any toys (like the wheel) and food dishes with the diluted bleach.
    Since your hamster has been sleeping in his urine, I would also suggest giving him a quick bath (or use hamster fresh spray, which can be found at pet stores). Take a warm wet washcloth and wet your hamster, then take a very small amount of baby shampoo and rub on your hamster, do not do the face area, take your washcloth, put more warm water on it, then squeeze it over your hamster so that the water runs over him. Do this until the soap is gone. Then take a dry washcloth and gently rub your hamster until he is dry (very important, you don't want him to catch a chill).
   Yes it is true that some hamsters will hibernate when there is a sudden drop in temperature, but this does not mean the temperature outside, it is the temperature inside your house. And generally a persons house stays pretty much the same temperature all year round.

  If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing!

Hello again Tiffany,

   Hamsters sometimes get the hiccups, nothing to worry about. Sounds like your hamster is very happy (when they are very happy they do that chill like jump).
   It is not necessary to give him a bath. If your hamster is quick and jumpy, and you don't feel comfortable doing it, then don't give him one. I wouldn't want you to drop him either.
   If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing and best of luck!