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Hamsters - Fleas

21 11:16:02

How can you tell if I hamster has flea's? Will I be able to see them? and if so what exactly is it that I should be looking for?

Dear Michelle,
thank you for your question.
Fleas are unusual parasites for hamsters. The first signs will be the hamster scratching itself all the time or jumping for no apparent reason. There's a good chance that you will have bites, too, most flea species don't specialize and will prey on all mammals around. They are often visible to the naked eye.
Hamsters can also get mites and some lice species that mostly will stay on the hamster (with the exceptions of very few mite species that will suck the blood of almost all warm-bloded animals). They can be visible to the naked eye, too, but some are not. The signs are the same as for fleas.
In any case you need to see a vet with the hamster to find out what parasite exactly he has and to get the proper treatment for him. has a list of good rodent vets.
I hope I was of some help to you