Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Ruburouski Hamster

Ruburouski Hamster

21 11:05:01

I just got 2 new hamster's i think there dead because when i just got home they weren't moving i had them in the car for 2 hours but in the car they were just fine then later the didn't move i got worried they weren't moving there fur one didn't so later the other didn't too I'm worried i just got them from Petco any suggestions to treat them like or its to late?

Hi Angela

I'm really sorry to read your question.

Robos are very lively little hamsters and when they are well they do run about a lot.  How hot was the car they were travelling in?  Did you leave them in it unattended at all during the journey?

If hamsters over-heat in the summer months, they can suffer from heat stroke and collapse.  In cases like these it is vital to cool them down quickly and try to get them to take fluids.

However, if this wasn't the case, then you need to contact Petco and find out if any others are like this.  If so they might be able to offer you some advice as to what is wrong.

Hamsters are very sensitive to fumes - car fumes, perfumes etc. They can also get stressed if they are transported.  However, in my experience if there is going to be a problem it happens a day or two later, not the same day that they are transported.  Also, I am curious that both are ill - if it was just one of them I would think that perhaps they had some form of congenital problem - such as heart - but as the two of them are the same then they must have been exposed to the same thing to make them this sick.

Is there any sign of diarrhoea in the cage? is their fur clean or are they soiling themselves?

You can try to rehydrate with the oral rehydration powders you buy from chemists etc.  Mix a sachet according to the instructions, then with a small dropper try and get the hamsters to take a little. If you can tempt them to eat you could try baby food as this is easy for them to digest.

Do you have a vet nearby that you can contact?  If you don't know any it is worth finding out if they have anyone there who specialises in small animals.  Also check their fees - in the UK they offer a much reduced fee for a hamster, but I don't know if this is the same where you live.

I hope you get on OK.
