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Hamster hosting mite eggs

21 11:50:30

How can we get rid of the small flying black bug mites that seem to be breeding on our hamster?  Is there a safe over the counter treatment? Should we bath the hamster?  Most recently we moved the hamster into a clean aquarium screen covered cage and found within a few days the flying black insects were trapped inside the cage with him. They could only have come from eggs on him.  We carried the cage outside and opened the lid. We've moved the hamster now into another clean cage but I think the bugs must be hatching from eggs living on the hamster. What can we do to get rid of them?  Thanks in advance for your advice.

Hi Michelle,

You'll need to buy anti-mite spray designed for small animals at the pet store.  (If you can't find that, you can use anti-mite spray designed for caged birds.)  First, shield the hamster's head, and then spray his body thoroughly.  Make sure to spray the underside of the hamster as well.  Then, clean the cage and spray it with the anti-mite spray as well.

This process may have to be repeated; check on the back on the anti-mite spray bottle.

Also, never bathe your hamster.  Any time a hamster gets wet, the water removes the natural oils from his fur, leaving him at risk for illness.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
