Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > my hamsters teeth

my hamsters teeth

21 11:36:58

hi it is me again wesley but how do i know when my hamsters teeth need trimed

Hi Wesley

Hamster's teeth are very long - if you have a look at them you will see how long the bottom teeth are.  You need to keep a watch on these every now and again to check that they are growing evenly.  The bottom teeth should be the same length.  Sometimes a hamster will break a tooth when they are chewing the bars, and therefore they grow lopsided.  In which case they need trimming.  Also, you need to check that there are no sore areas/cut lip from the teeth.  It is very rare that I trim hamsters teeth - most hamsters are fine all their life.  The only time I've needed to is when one has been ill, and has lost a tooth.  

It is very important you don't trim the teeth too short - therefore if you think your hamster's teeth are a problem, then you should get them looked at by a vet - they will tell you how long they should be and also show you how to trim the teeth.  You need a very good pair of trimmers, and it can be difficult holding the hamster still enough to trim the teeth - so your vet could show you what to do for the first time.  However, there is a strong possibility you will never have to trim his teeth.
