Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Hamster cage

Hamster cage

21 11:59:53

Dear Katie,
I am going to get a syrian hamster soon and i was hoping you
could tell me what kind of cage and toys to buy him or her.  How
big a cage?  How many toys? What kind of toys? any specific
brands models or makes?  I pre-appoligise for all the questions
but i want the best for my hamster so take your time im in no


      You can get any type of cage. Just make sure that the bars on the cage are small enough so the hamster can't get through the bars. You want a medium to large size cage. Not one that would look crowded with a wheel, food dish, waterbottle, and any other hamster toy you want to put in. Hamsters like chew toys, like wooden blocks( you can buy them especially made for hammies), paper towel tubes, and anything the can chew on and play in.

Thanks for writing