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not to friendly hampster

21 13:33:01

I just baught a long hair hampster,the pet store said he was only 4-6 weeks old.He looks kind of big,anyway my question is   he is not very friendly every time I go near him he tries to bite.I have kids and I was woundering what I can do to get him to trust me and so tthat we are able to hold him?

Hey, Billie.

First, you should let him spend about the first week alone in his new home so that he can get used to it and all the other sounds/smells around him.  After this, you should start trying to feed him treats from your hand.  And, when you feel comfortable, you can start petting him, petting his back with your fingers.  
One thing that also helps a lot of times is if you use a toilet paper tube.  You just have to let your hamster climb in through one end of the tube, and have your hand waiting for him on the other end.  Usually, the hamster will curiously walk on to your hand and you can use this method to get him used to being on your hands.
The most important thing however is that you're very careful when handling him, so that he trusts you, and that you handle him often.  If you do this, he will, sooner or later, know you're not trying to hurt him and shouldn't try to bite anymore.

Hope this helps, and good luck with your hamster.