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Gerbil with Sleepy eye

21 11:31:50

Hi Charlotte,
I was wondering if you could help me out with my one of the two gerbils that I have. I have a quite plump little albino gerbil who has had one sleepy eye for months and months now and I wonder if there is something I could do about it. The other eye is fine and his companion, a tan/brownish gerbil, (Goblin) has perfect eyes.

The white gerbil (Wizard) has no discharge from his one sleepy eye and it has never looked swollen or anything. It looks clear to me and fine. Just he holds it halfway closed all the time and it is never opened all the way.
He does great otherwise and has no other health problem symptoms.

I will try to attach links to pictures and I hope they work. I'm sorry about the bad picture quality-

The good eye-

The sleepy eye-

Thank you so much for any advice you can give!

Hi Beatrice,

I can see what you mean from the pictures! I can not explain to you why it is like this as i can see no obvious sign. Has it always been this way since you have got him? It may be something he was born with or it could be due to a scrap he had when he was younger, which healed and left his eye like this. It doesn't look to be causing him any problems as you have said, and i don't think you need to be concerned in anyway. As long as it stays looking bright, clear and healthy!! It should't affect his quality of sight in anyway, and so he should be happy enough!!
If you are concerned i would just seek expert veterinary advice (as i am not a vet just to reassure yourself).

Do just keep an eye out to make sure he isn't rubbing it on anything in his cage which could make it sore, as this could cause problems in the long run!!

I hope this helps in someway,

p.s he looks exactly like one of mine!!!
