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Handling my gerbils

21 11:54:56

Hi Charlotte,
I have two Mongolian Gerbils and brought them when they were 7 weeks old from a pet shop in Sept 06.
Myself and my boyfriend are in our 20's but we are still quite unsure of how to handle our Gerbils.  I have tired many times to let them get used to my scent and my hand by resting it in the cage etc but they seem very scared of us both. They are also extremely jumpy with any noise made.  Could you please give me some tips on how to handle them as I need to get close to one of them as I think it has a problem with its eye (One eye wont open) and I need to have a look at it properly.  
I look forward to your answer and I thank you in advance.

Hi Laura,

What you are doing is actually the best method, it just takes aot of perserverance. The way the gerbils see you is as a big scary hand that smells strange and could be a predator!!

Make sure you wash your hands before each time you go into the cage, and then rub your hands in their bedding so that you smell familiar to them!!! Do as you are now and let them sniff you and climb over you. Keep doing this 2-3 times a day, each day. After a few days keep doing this but don't keep your hand still, move your fingers. You will find this may frighten them but again they will get used to it and curiosity will get the better of them!!! It may take several weeks even a month or two for them to climb on your hand and for you to lift them out, but it will happen!!! One may climb on your hand, and as you lift it he may try and jump off, but you should be able to lift him out before he does so. Handle him for a few minutes then let him go back and let them settle again. They should take sunflower seeds from your fingers when they begin to feel comfortable in your company!!

For the one with the bad eye you don't have time to wait until he is hand tame. The best way to get him out is to lie a jar or something similiar in the cage, wait until he goes in a then gently cover the end and lift the jar out, then you should be able to get him out onto your hand to study the eye. Bear in mind gerbils rarely sit stll so you may have a challenge!!! If concerned pop him down to the vets!!!

Hope this helps,
Good Luck,