Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > fluffy bedding

fluffy bedding

21 12:01:45


i have just bought a lovely (rather large may i say lol) hamster and the lady in the pet shop said i should use the fluffy bedding during these cold months, but after looking at a website about this bedding i am now terrified my hamster will die from it, as she keeps her food in the bedding, i will be going to another pet shop to buy shredded bedding in the morning, however when i got her i saw her put some of this bedding either in her pouches or she ate it, i have had her for 3 days now and she did this on the first day but appears active, alert and healthy tho i am still rather worried. can i use toilet paper just now as an alternative til i can get to the shops in the morning?. also she is using the bedding from the pet shop as i felt this would make her feel more at home, should i alert the lady at the petshop as she obviously doesnt know about this problem and uses this bedding for all her small animals.

thank you in advance

a worried joanne :)

Hi Joanne,

Yes, bed fluff is quite dangerous.  It can become impacted in hamsters' cheek pouches, and it can even choke them.  (I've heard some truly horrible stories about bed fluff.)  Use Aspen or Carefresh bedding.  (Avoid Pine and Cedar, which have strong aromatic oils that cause respiratory infections and skin allergies and infections.)  If you want to give your hamster some extra bedding, tear plain, unscented toilet paper into strips.  Additionally, you can use the toilet paper on its own until you are able to buy regular bedding.

That would be great if you would let the woman at the pet shop know how dangerous bed fluff is.  I'm very glad you want to get the word out, and help save the hamsters at the pet shop from possible dangerous situations.  (I wish they didn't even sell bed fluff!)

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
