Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Black bump on black bear hamster

Black bump on black bear hamster

21 11:14:35

QUESTION: Hello! I have a black bear hamster, he is about 6 months old. he has two spots right above his legs on his sides. there is light brown fur on both sides, and they are identical. underneath the brown fur on each side he has a black bump, and it seems the fur is growing out of it. they are small, but i am just wondering what this could be, and should i take him to a vet?

ANSWER: Completely harmless scent glands known as "hip spots". As long as they aren't pussing, red, or swollen, there's nothing wrong with them.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much. So you don't think I should take him to a vet then, and you can feel the bumps to, like little round pimples, if that helps the situation more!

Black bear hip spots tend to look like little scabs normally, at least to me they do. I wouldn't suggest a vet trip unless you notice the hamster digging at the area more then usual, making it flaky and red. That'll indicate that something in the glands is bothering him.