Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Syrian Hamster Screaming and Biting.

Syrian Hamster Screaming and Biting.

21 11:50:24

I have a 2 year old male Syrian hamster. He just recently stopped using his wheel to exercise and now he's biting on the bars of the cages. He also started screaming after he bit the bars. Why was he screaming?  

Hi Ruby,

Your hamster was most likely "screaming" because his nose was hurting after biting the bars.  You'll need to stop the biting, since it will rub the fur off his nose, and it may cause teeth problems.  To stop the biting, buy Bitter Lime Spray (or Gel) at the pet store.  It's marketed towards ferrets, so it will be in the ferret section.  It's safe for all small animals, and it costs around $6.  Spray or rub the Bitter Lime on the bars of the cage.  If your hamster tries to bite the bars, he'll taste the Bitter Lime and be disgusted.  You may have to repeat this process a few times, but your hamster should soon stop biting the bars.  Also, make sure to provide your hamster with plenty of chew toys.

Your hamster is probably craving more attention also, so you may want to play with him more :)

Have a great weekend!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
