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problem with my new hamster.

21 11:28:54

I got a teddy bear hamster about a week ago named LuLu. I had had a dwarf previously, but unfortunantely she died early in December. I could tell right away that my new hamster was rather on the fiesty side because on the way home from the petstore, she chewed a nice hole in the bottom on the box she was in. Later that night I had gone out, only to come back home and find little miss LuLu had escaped from her cage, but then found her the next day and returned her to her cage and made sure it was extra secure. For the few following days after that, she was mainly staying in the top part of her cage, which is rather small, even at night when I know hamsters are most active. She also took up a bunch of food and bedding. Today I went to check on her and she was still up there. I picked her up and moved her to another cage. She had some movement and ate some food and some water. The past few days I haven't seen her drink anything. While she was exploring the new cage, I noticed her bottom was wet with what looked like pee. And it didn't smell to great. I also noticed she would shake for a few seconds. All evening she has been in the same spot too sleeping. I'm worried about her, I've only had her a few days. My old hamster never had any of these symptons. LuLu doesn't look like she did when I first got her. Her little face used to be all lit up and her ears out, but not anymore. I tried to pick her up earlier too, and she let out a squeel. Please tell me what to do. Thank you.

The overactive behavior seems normal but the wetness to her bottom and the shaking seem suspicious.  I would consider that she might have wet tail.  It can be caused from stress... bringing her home... her being scared away from her cage.  I would try some Dry Tail drops as directed and encourage fluids. That is pretty much the only things you can do.  I hope she gets better.