Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Black Bear/Hip Spots

Black Bear/Hip Spots

21 11:14:41

QUESTION: Hi Heather - I was about to take my black bear hamster to the vet for what I thought was ringworm -- but after reading your explanation for the two black circular spots in his back I was relieved to know that they are probably his scent glands...especially since they do not seem to bother him at all.  I do want to ask if it's normal for them to get larger w/ age.  I always did notice them but they were much smaller.  He is about 9 months old.  Also, I have mentioned a couple of times not to buy a black bear as your first hamster....i did not know this and have one as my first.  My daughter is 7 and we both handle him.  He's only nipped twice in 9 months..and that is b/c we woke him up.  Can you tell what the difference in characteristics are between a black bear and another hamster...this would be good info in the event we buy another.   Thank you.

ANSWER: They can vary in size, but more likely the hamster has lightened and you can see them better now. Black bears tend to go from black to brown with age, and you notice them more when they start to contrast with the lightening fur.

Black bear is just a pet store name for a black furred hamster with a white chin stripe. Originally they were called "European" black bears because that's where they originated. They were bred to be more docile, and slightly larger then a regular Syrian. In my experience they aren't usually larger, but I've never had a problem with one being too hyper or nippy, so they may have been onto something with the added docile-ness. Basically there is nothing more special about them over any other healthy Syrian hamster.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you for your response.  can i ask why you tell people not to get a black bear as their first hamster?

Because I'm guessing I said that a long time ago before I knew all the specifics on them. They're fine as first hamsters, they just don't like to be disturbed when sleeping. Sometimes families with small kids just don't understand that hammy sleeps all day, and might be tempted to wake the hamster up. Every black bear I've had jumps when woken up. You've already seen that they can get nippy if woken. Really though, any hamster will likely be the same way.