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wet tail symptoms?

21 11:49:39

Hello again... I bought a new hamster and this time it is a male robovoski. I had it for two weeks now in a newly bought cage. Well... today, the hamster was really active and eating normal. I dont feed any fresh vegetables or anything. just the normal hamster food. anyways. tonight i find him not working on the wheel or running around and saw that he was in the corner. when i tried to reach for him he didnt run away so i picked him up ... i realized he wasnt dead but he was breathing every other second. He wouldnt move. but i noticed he has a wet tail and tummy. So is this the symptoms of wet tail?  

It sounds like he has diarrhea and this just came on suddenly. I remember reading that dwarf hamsters don't actually get wettail but that's debateable. Your hamster does have wet tail symptoms and I would try and take him to a vet asap. I just hope that he makes it through the night.
Keep me posted.