Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Teddy Bear Hampster

Teddy Bear Hampster

21 12:01:42

Our Hampster (female) runs her teeth along the metal cage. We notice it mostly after we put her back in her cage after letting her run around in the room the cage is in. Please advise if this is unusual. Should we not be lettin her out of the cage...for exercise?

Thank you,

Hi Raphael,

You should definitely keep letting your hamster go out and exercise.  She just gets a little restless when she gets put back in her cage.  (This is not unusual in any way.) Make sure she has a solid wheel.  Also, make sure she has plenty of chew sticks.

If you want her to stop chewing on the bars of her cage (which can be damaging to hamsters' teeth), buy Bitter Lime Spray (or Gel) and spray or rub it on the bars of the cage.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
