Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > gerbil tail hair loss

gerbil tail hair loss

21 13:29:28

Hello, I have a black gerbil I got from the Humane society a few monthes ago. I noticed today that he has some bald patches on his tail. I also heard in the past few nights a clicking noise (which I assume is his teeth) I have provided different things for him to chew on but he just seems to bury them. I have a cat and he often will try and bat at the cage if I am not watching to closely (I lock him out during hte day). Is it possible the stress of the cat is doing this? And if so is there anything I can do (other than keeping the cat away.

Hi Erin,

Your gerbil is most likely plucking the hair on the tail. It's probably bored or lonely. Give it some new toys or a wheel. Since you have a single gerbil, if it is a fairly non-aggressive animal, you might try a same-sex companion.  (Gerbils are very social animals, and a companion is needed to prevent them from becoming lonely; also, gerbils who live in pairs live longer and are happier.)  This is my number-one solution.

To correct the problem, spray the gerbil's tail with Bitter Apple or Lime spray (found in pet stores, marketed for ferrets, but safe for all small animals).

Keep giving your gerbil chew sticks, also, or other types of chew toys.  And, when the gerbil sees the cat, he gets stressed out, since the cat is a predator.  Do your best to keep the cat away from the gerbil.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
