Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > can more than 1 dwarf hamster live together?

can more than 1 dwarf hamster live together?

21 12:01:53

Well i'm going to get a dwarf hamster or russion dwarf hamster but i wanna get more than one and i wanna put them in the same cage.My friend just got a dwarf hamster and she said you can't get more than one and put them in the same cage because they will kill each other.And i don't wanna put a boy n gurl together because i don't want them to have babbies so is it ok to put two boys or two girls together in the same cage?Please let me know as soon as possible thank you!
 Sincerley,Sarah ahmed

in my personal opinion I wouldn't put more than one hamster together. dwarf hamsters can sometimes be put together and can live perfectly fine but sometimes they will fight and you will have to seperate them. If you do decide that you want two dwarf hamsters or two russian hamsters buy them at the exact same time from the same habitat. Buy a cage that's big enough for them to roam around in and seperate from each other. I honestly think you should get one hamster unless you can afford to buy another cage in case they start to fight.