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Hamster house cleaning

21 12:01:15

Hi, my hamster is a normal short hair hamster. I've been trying to potty train it. I know that hamsters can be potty train by putting it's droppings into the little potty. But, for some reason my hamster just like to do all his business in his house....
is there any other more effective ways to potty train my hamster?

Hi Jimmy,

Well, you can also scoop up some soiled bedding (with urine on it) and place it in the potty.  This tends to be more effective than just placing droppings in the litter.

Also, hamsters are habitual, and they like to use the bathroom in one place, all the time (urinating anyway - they'll pretty much defecate anywhere).  Try moving the house somewhere else, and placing the potty where the house used to be.  Chances are, your hamster will begin using the potty.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
