Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > drooling hamster

drooling hamster

21 11:53:33

my hamster is drooling from the mouth. i dont know why. what do i do?

She may have gotten in to something poisonous which is causing her to salivate or her teeth may be badly overgrown.  Has she had access to wooden chew treats or something else to keep them filed down?  If she's having trouble eating or drinking she needs to see a vet and get them filed.  If you think she may have gotten in to something hazardous and she's having trouble walking, breathing, or eating she also needs to see as vet as she may be suffering side effects from something she accidently ingested.  Keep an eye on her and make sure she's eating/drinking properly even if she doesn't appear to be drooling any more.  Let me know if you see any other symptoms.

Good luck and let me know if I can be of any more help,