Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > hammy sick?

hammy sick?

21 11:06:27

Hi thanks so much for answering my past queries... they were very much helpful. I just want to know if is it normal for a syrian hammy to make some sort of wheezing/snorting sound? I dunno how else to describe it really, the sound kinda reminds me of when you accidentally get food stuck in what i believe would be your nasal cavity? (I mean like the one that happens when you laugh hard while eating). He only makes the sound occasionally. otherwise he seems pretty normal. Would it be possible for him to have colds? he doesn't seem to have a runny nose though. Is there a homemade remedy? I haven't brought him to a vet yet, they'd probably find it absurd if i do so.

Dear Jan,
thank you for your question.
Hamsters should not make any noise at all. Squeaking/wheezing is probably a sign of a respiratory infection and should be treated with antibiotics. You will need to see a vet with the hamster since over the counter- meds don't work at all or can even do harm and it's important to find out what exactly is wrong.
You can find good rodent vets here:
I hope I was of some help to you