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Bath Sand and Hibernation

21 12:01:39

Hi, I just got my long-haired hamster about two weeks and I do not know much about it. Today, I have two questions to ask.

First, this evening I went to petsmart and got a chinchilla bath sand (not dust) for my hamster, Nicole, because I've read that they'd love to be in sand. However, after I put her in she doesn't seem to enjoy the sand at all and I don't think she knows why we put her in there. All she did was digging and sitting. I really do want her to enjoy it, what do I need to do?

Second, while I was playing with her today she suddenly stopped moving for about a minute. I mean she not moving at all even when I touched her. I actually thought that she had a heart attact :(. I would appreciate if you could please explain to me what happened with her.

I would like to thank you in advance for your response.


First, here's a link to a great website where you can learn more about your hamster:

Hamsters usually enjoy chinchilla sand about once a week.  They usually roll around and dig in it.  Perhaps your hamster just needs time to get used to it.  She's most likely never been in it before, and she doesn't know what to do.  Try putting her in it a few more times, and watch how she reacts.  If she still doesn't seem to be enjoying it after a few times, then there's not much point in using it anymore.  

And, when you were playing with her and she stopped moving, most likely she is in heat, and she "froze" when you touched her back.  Female hamsters come into heat every 4 days, and if you stroke their backs, they will "freeze" and not move.  Their tail will stick up, as well.  This is completely normal and nothing to worry about :)

Have a great day!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
