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How to bathe my gerbils

21 12:02:11

I have two wonderful gerbils, but they kind of smell. I was just wondering how to give them a bath or if they even need one. They started smelling like this within the past week and I just found your help. Can you help me?

Hello, when was the last time you cleaned out the cage? Sometimes an animal will lay in their pee. The best thing to do is to constantly keep their pee area clean and clean out their cage two times a week. I really don't suggest bathing a gerbil. They could catch a cold if they are not blow dryed completely. The best thing to do is clean out the cage more frequently and I would personally buy some dust bath for them. That's the best way for a gerbil to get clean. You can buy some critter dust bath and put it in a bowl or a ceramic critter bowl and let them roll in that to get clean. I give that to my hamster every other day and he loves it. They love to roll around in that and get clean. I know petsmart sells it and maybe petco as well. chinchilla dust bath works just as good too.