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hamster maze

21 13:29:14

Um... I'm doing a science experiment with my dwarf hamster. I'm going to have her run a maze five times in a row and see if her time improves. I need a basis for my hypothesis and was wondering if you could help. Do you know anything about hamster intelligence/memory or anything else concerning rodent mazes etc? p.s. cage size is about 3 square feet...I don't know why that would help you tho. I'm using a standard "U" maze...

thank you for your question.
You could try the experiment at different times of the day to see when she when she remembers best or check whether food at the end of the maze makes her run faster than with no food. Or try cleaning the maze after each run to get rid of her scent to see whether she just follows her scent or actually remembers the way.
I hope I was of some help to you