Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Golden Hamster Lump near mouth

Golden Hamster Lump near mouth

21 11:36:42

QUESTION: I have a Golden hamster approx.2 years old,within the last couple of days we have noticed a lunp near her mouth(almost looks like she has a large object inside getting ready to eat)at first i thought that she had injested a grape or something that size and was waiting to swallow it. But after a couple of days, i started to get worried. Can you help, thanks Mike

ANSWER: Hi Mike,

There are a couple of possibilites:

1. Your hamster may have a piece of food, or bedding, stuck in her cheekpouch.  Hamsters' cheekpouches are very sticky, and some foods can become stuck.  A vet can remove the object.

2. Or, your hamster has either an abscess or a tumor.  It's a bit difficult to distinguish between the two.  Sometimes, if you smooth the fur back on the lump, you can see a bite or scratch wound on it.  That would indicate that the lump is an abscess.  If it's an abscess, it will burst and likely give the hamster an infection, so a trip to the vet will be necessary.  The vet would drain the abscess and probably prescribe antibiotics as well.

If it's a tumor, and you've caught it early enough, a vet may be able to operate on it.  (Tumors are most common in older hamsters, though they can sometimes occur in younger hamsters.)

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What is the normal life span of a Golden Hamster?

Hi Mike,

Typically, a Golden hamster (formally known as a Syrian hamster) lives around 2 1/2 - 3 years.  However, it's not uncommon for them to live up to even 4 years.

Have a great weekend!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
