Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Black Bear(Shadow) Problem

Black Bear(Shadow) Problem

21 11:52:39

I just got a black bear this past wednesday, 1/31/07, i have only been able to hold her once a day, but not for very long.  She not only skwirms her way out of my cupped hands, but she also discharges a tan milky liuid that smells similar to ammonia, but does not look like normal pee, please help me i'm not sure what to do???

This liquid is actually the urine. Hamster urine looks this way normaly, and can stain clothes. Females are very squirmy compaired to males if you ask me. It just takes alot of time for them to get used to the idea of being held, since they weren't hand raised at the pet store. Just be patient with the hamster, and try feeding it with your hand as often as possible. Establish a routine of feeding, like fill the bowl at the same time every day so the hamster learns to associate you with good things.