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robo depression?

21 11:30:14

i had to seperate my two robo's because one has an alergy or something that caused overgrooming and bleeding. after it started bleeding the other robo would chase it nipping at it so we seperated them at least until te one heals.  theone that is healing still plays on the wheel but he other hamster just holes itself away in its house and does not hardly ever come out only to eat. is it depressed?  do robos fight when they get older and do two males fight always like some hamsters?

Hi Gary,

Roborovski hamsters are the most social species of hamster and this means that they are more likely to be able to stay in pairs or groups for the whole of their lives, but, it does not mean they will live happily together in every circumstance!!  Many Roborovskis will have to be split up by the time they are mature, but alot of the will also live happily together too - it just depends on each individual hamster!

Try getting the quiet hamster out more and get plenty of toys for him - try hiding his food in tunnels and under the bedding - try to make his home more interesting.

Kind Regards,
