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mother hamster and her babies

21 12:01:44

My mama hamster had 7 babies about 7 days ago.  She (unfortunately) made her nest in the wheel that is at the top of the cage and requires coming down a spiral slide.  The babies are trying to escape now, some have, but the mom seems stressed about them leaving the "wheel nest" and keeps carrying them back up.  They are getting very crowded in there and I think she needs to bring them down and make a new nest.  What should I do?  Please help.  Any advice is greatly appreciated!

This is one of those times where, even though mommy didn't make the best choice, you have to leave her to it. If you disturb the nest at all, shes very likely to eat her young, another silly move on mommy hamster's part. If there is any way to rearrange the cage without disturbing the nest TOO much, I would do it. If not, just bear with her and make sure she at least has everything she needs.