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My hamsters feeding habits

21 13:29:57

I just got two Winter White Syberian dwarf hamsters. They both are both females and are very sweet, however, one is very skittish and she eats constantly.I understand they fill their cheek pouches but she is so much bigger than all the other hamsters in my house.(My brother also has a pair of hamsters like mine.) I ruled out pregnancy because she would be nesting and hiding all the time and Petsmart only has girl hamsters anyway.I was wondering why she is so fat. It has to be unhealthy.

Dear Ashley,
thank you for your question.
I must say that I'm not ruling out pregnancy. I don't trust the majority of pet stores to tell males and females apart with rodents and mostly they just don't care. Apart from that, it might be just genetically or it's a symptom of diabetes. Winter White Dwarfs are prone to that, you can test her for it with a urine test for humans that you can buy at pharmacies.

I strongly recommend seperating your hamsters. It's a myth that dwarf hamsters can be kept together. It usually works fine for seven or eight months or maybe a bit longer and then the hamsters are fully mature and will try to establish territories. Often they fight and they may fight to the death if not seperated. Many owners never notice anything until one hamster ends up dead or hurt. Even when they never fight, one animal is the inferior one and always stressed, which shortens their life span. Sharing a nest and eating together is not a sign of friendship with them, although people often think so.
I hope I was of some help to you