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Behaviour again

21 13:29:58

Our hamster now seems to be obsessed with food. When taming we would coax him out with food and now that is what he expects, if I dont have food he will bite which is making me reluctant to try and handle him. Today I managed to get him out with food which he hurriedly shoves in his pouch but then he just runs and tries to escape and really doesn't want to be held, so I put him back, he then filled his pouches with all the food from his freshly filled bowl, and food I had hidden around his cage and was frantically looking for  somewhere to put it. Why is he suddenly behaving like this in the lastweek, I am really concerned that he isn't being the friendly hamster we had a week ago? please help.  

Dear Korinne,
thank you for your question.
Being obsessed with food is normale behaviour for a hamster. They are used to storing away as much food as possible and will do so in captivity, too.
Some hamsters are not very cuddly and don't enjoy being petted, so your hamster might be one of those. But be patient and keep trying, he will probably get used to you after all. I never had a hamster that didn't get tame ni the end.
There's one more thing I can think of, but it isn't very likely: is it cold in the room where the hamster cage stands? Then it might be that he's preparing for hibernation and is grumpy and obsessed with food because of that.
I hope I was of some help