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teddy bear hamster- cut

21 11:51:40

Hey there-
just wanted an experts advice on this. i cam home from work tonight and noticed that my teddy bear hamster had a cut on his shoulder. it is about .5-1 inch in length and doesnt look deep. it looks like it was dripping however. i am alarmed because there is nothing in his cage for him to cut himself on. he is active right now (running in his ball) and it does not seem to bother him. should i leave well enough alone and just watch it, or should i take hiim to the vet in the morning? i do not want it to get infected and i love this little guy tons! your help would be great! i know your expertise is gerbils.. thought u might know something about this tho!


Hello Bryn.

As i cant see it to examine i would highly recommend going to the vets to be on the safe side. If it is a wound of some kind it can easily become infected, and this on its own can be fatal. The vets may prescribe antibiotics just to be on the safe side and to prevent any infection occuring, so i would get him a check up!!!

I hope this helps!!