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My Golden Silky Hamster

21 11:06:06

Hi. My male golden silky hamster, Teddy, is 2 1/2 yrs old. He has always been very very active. However, he has always had large testicles. May be quite common, I'm not sure. For the last few weeks, he doesn't use his wheel anymore (which he always loved), he sleeps most of the day and night, and his testicles have shrunk drastically and have turned black. He is worrying me. What could be wrong with Teddy?

Hello Holly,
I'm afraid Teddy is just getting old. The average lifespan of hamsters is 2-3 years, and just like humans hamsters become less active in their old age. Reproductive organs also start to shut down since they will probably not be 'needed' in the future. The best thing to do is just make him as comfortable as possible.

Good luck,