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concerned about my hampster

21 11:49:48

i have a dwarf hampster, who is about six months old. she is white and her name is madison. thats not the point. for the past couple days she has been laying upside down(on her back) underneath her bell that dangles from the side of her cage, and licking/biting it. im really not sure if she is like going crazy or something.. but its really starting to freak me out. it started when my mom moved her out into the kitchen cuz it was too hot in my room. i dont really think the moving was what started it, but im just worried about her. do you think this is okay? thanks =]

courtney cook

Hello it sounds like she's very relaxed. Hamsters will sleep on their back if they feel nobody is a threat to them. Also, hamsters love shiny things and they will chew on bells. Mine does. He did it almost everyday for a while and he finally stopped. Your hamster is just being normal and goofy :)