Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Scared Syrian

Scared Syrian

21 11:59:18

I have a 5 month old syrian hamster that is very jumpy and doesn't like to be handled. he doesn't seem scared of us, and will come to the bars of his cage if we're around. He'll climb onto my hand to get into his ball, and will climb on me when i have him loose from his cage - but he won't let me pick him up or pet him. He won't even sit on my hand to eat treats - he grabs the treat and runs off again ! I haven't tried very hard to pick him up as he's always seemed scared and I didn't want to stress him. I'm just wondering if he'll ever get to trust me and let me pet him - or is he just a jumpy hamster ? Apart from not wanting to be petted, he's a very happy hamster and loves running around in his ball, or playing with his toys when he's out of his cage.
Thanks !


  If you want to tame him more, just hold him for small amounts of time. After you hold him let him play with his toys. Then when you go to put him back hold him a little longer. Just keep building up the time you handle him, this will over time increase his trust with you.

Thanks for writing