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Followup on sick hamster

21 11:30:42

Hi again. I took Ruby to the vet today. They noticed that she had blood in her urine which I didnt even notice in her cage. She also has all of her top teeth broken off. The vet told me to buy baby food, which I did and she gave me meds called SMZ. She said SMZ is really safe for hamsters. As far as her hunchback goes, its gone. I woke up this morning and it was not there. Do you have any suggestions on any foods I could give her besides baby food? I want her to have all of her nutrients she needs.

Oxbow has a formula to give to hamsters that is good for sick hamsters or hamsters that may not be well. It's called critical care and I believe you have to call the company to have it sent to you.
I am so glad that the hump is gone and she will get better. Anything that's easy to mash up so the hamster can eat it.